How to manage/upload/download Files in Cloud service app?

Upload/Download Data on Cloud

To Upload/Download the data from the server by using the following steps:

1. Click on Manage files on Cloud Service App:-

2. To Upload/Download the data open the folder on the local in which data is located and open folder on Cloud Desktop in which you want to upload and vise-versa, drag and drop data from local to Cloud Desktop to upload and Cloud Desktop to local for download.

3. Press Yes to start upload or download

4. A prompt will show the Success message.

Move Data in Cloud Desktop

To move data from one folder to another in Cloud Desktop

1. Click on Manage files on Cloud Service App:-

2. Click on REMOTE ONLY:-

3. Open folder in which data is located and drag the data to the folder in which you want to move:-

4. Click yes to confirm the movement of data:-

5. A prompt will show the Success message.